Friday, October 26, 2012

We Beat it!

I feel like a character at the end of The Wizard of Oz, “You were fertile all along! You just needed a little help (and a lot of money!)” LOL Both transferred embryos took! We are pregnant with twins! We knew there was a pretty good chance, but the reality is still a lot to swallow. Two carseats, two cribs, two cars, two college tuitions! We are very excited! We definately got our money's worth with IVF!

I'm a little nervous because I'm "high risk" now. More of a possiblity of a c-section, pre-term labor, etc. But I feel I'm in good hands (my doctors) and DH takes good care of me, letting me sleep and bringing me pretzels.

I probably will quit my IF blog now, since even though we struggled (for 29 cycles!), we, apparently, have good eggs, good sperm, and a good womb. IDK why the hell it didn't work on our own, but two babies, and 5 more frozen embryos! I think we're good ***knock on wood***

Good luck to everyone else in their struggles! I will probably be donating our embryos if all goes well with this pregnancy, so maybe we can help someone else beat IF