Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Having such a rough day with things that have nothing to do with IF.

Also, I'm searching the interwebs looking for "unexplained inferitlity" support groups or forums but keep finding people that say they have "unexplained infertility" but then list: SA came back to show low count, or poor mobility; irregular cycles due to "x"; past the ideal age and have very few follicles. These to me are reasons for infertilty and therefore explained!! The doctors have found nothing with DH and I. WTF?! SA-good, Clomid challenge - good, follicles - abundance, hormones - normal, cycle - regular, tubes - clear. Yet still here we are 17 cycles in and nothing, not a single positive pregnancy test. This is so hard.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Tubes are clear!

Cycle 17 CD 6

HSG revealed open and clear tubes!! So now I'm taking clomid again CD5-9 and I'll continue to temp and do OPKs and when I get a (+) we'll BD. They say we're more likely to get knocked up after an HSG. Feeling slightly more hopeful today.

We're also considering another SA and then I guess we'll start saving for the IUI.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Cycle 17 CD 1

Well I counted my cycles wrong since I actually had two in July, I'm actually on cycle 17 since going off BC, cycle 13 of very much TTC. I'm also up to the last test. All my blood work and scans came back fine, so now I get to have a hysterosalpingogram (HSG) an X-ray test that examines the inside of uterus and fallopian tubes by shooting a dye up my cervix.

I'm very nervous. This is it the last test. No matter the results it's not going to be good news. Either my tubes are fine and then we'll spend more $$ on IUI and cross our fingers. If that doesn't work then we have ”unexplained infertility” which, according to a couple articles I’ve read, can be where the eggs themselves are just wonky with a too hard shell, or the sperm look ok in the lab but do not preform well in the ”field,” or the egg does not interact well with the sperm or the female reproductive organs.

If my tubes are blocked or broken we're SOL. We don't have the $$$$ for IVF and won't be able to save enough while I'm still in my ''child bearing age''

So if we can't make babies we’re selling our ranch home with the finished basement and two extra bedrooms (the kids’ rooms) We’re moving to an apartment and saving lots of money to go on lavish vacations. We can plan weeks to spend with our nieces and nephews. We will be the best aunt and uncle ever! Then maybe when we’re 40 we’ll have enough saved for adoption and we can start that adventure full of hearbreak and red tape. :-/