Friday, December 30, 2011

Oops it was an "accident"

Cycle 19 CD 17

How can you have an accidental or surprise pregnancy? I mean I get it, you weren’t actively “trying” but if you are engaged in sexual activity with a person of the opposite sex there is always a chance you will make a baby. I hate it when people (especially when they’re having unprotected sex, using no birth control at all) call it an “accident” when they get pregnant. Why is it so easy for some people that it happens on “accident?” I mean they’re just hanging out doin stuff and “surprise!” you’re pregnant. Booooooo I much prefer “unplanned pregnancy,” but screw everyone who has an “unplanned pregnancy” too!

I hate this. Another year of trying. We tried in 2010, we tried in 2011, and now we get to try in 2012 (if the world doesn’t end) BTW my father said to me a couple weeks ago “so I hear you are going to have a baby next year?” I say “what?” and he says “yeah the Mayan calendar predicted it” I say “so me having a baby brings about the end of the world?” he just chuckles. About a week later he asks me and DH “so have you guys thought of a name for the baby you’re having next year?” we both just make wise cracks “Antichrist.” “Beelzebub.”  and try to laugh it off Then for xmas he gives me an old, ugly photo frame with places for school photos from kindergarten thru high school. WTF?! Seriously?